
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Changing Hitty Dolls and More

Hi Everybody!  I hope things are going well for all of you.  I got off track posting my dolls when the holidays rolled around.  So hopefully I can get back on track now.
Awhile back, I posted about finally getting one of Gail Wilson's cloth body Hitty dolls.  I was thrilled with her.  She is such a nice doll, but I decided that I would be happier with one that could stand by herself.  So Hitty Fern went to live at another home and a new Gail Wilson Hitty came to live here.

So please meet Hitty Etta.  She came to live here in October.   What a happy day that was!  I am even more thrilled with her because she stands so nicely.  It makes playing in the Hitty room box much more fun.

Before she arrived, a tiny Gail Wilson Hitty arrived.  This is Hitty Bea.  She was adopted from one of my best friends in September.  She is a darling little thing and the perfect doll for Hitty Etta.  

But there's more!  See the Raggedy Ann doll Hitty Etta is holding?  I just happened to spot her on ebay and knew she was made by Gail Wilson.  What a find!  Little Raggy Ann arrived here a couple of days before Hitty Etta.

I didn't expect my little Hitty family to grow so quickly, but everything just seemed to fall into place. 

I have so many blessings in my life.  I know dolls are close to the bottom of that list, but I'm thankful for every blessing God so generously gives.  Some blessings come to us through trials and difficulties and some come to us through joy.

Be blessed my friends!