Saturday, August 13, 2016

Ginger Brook Hollow Dolls

As I am putting info together about my doll collecting, I am taking posts from my old blog and adding them here so they will be all in one place. 

I first learned about this doll line through a friend and placed my first order in May 2010.  I was very blessed to actually complete this collection in a couple of years and have enjoyed it very much.   I did not get every single item, but almost!  Over time, I collected all of the dolls in this line, most of the available outfits & shoes and the books, as well as some other items.  It took time, but it was time well spent.  This collection will remain in my family and will belong to  my granddaughter one day.  We have spent many hours together sharing this collection and adding our own homemade items.
Anyone who would like to know more about this wonderful doll line can visit
I do have lots of photos to share.  Choosing favorites will not be easy.
This photo is of all the GBH family, including Grandma Sunday and Creampuff the cat.  Top (L-R) – April, Suzannah & Johannah (the twins).  Middle row (L-R) – Kathryn, Creampuff & Grandma Sunday.  Bottom row (L-R) – Louisa, Emmaline & Meg.  (Please note:  The little mice pictured with Creampuff the cat are not part of the GBH line.)
GBH 003
The dolls were made in two sizes.  The photo above shows the 17 inch dolls.  Grandma Sunday is 22 inches tall and in perfect scale to the girls.   She is the only doll this size in the collection.  The seven orphan girls also came in an 8 inch size, called the Dream Dolls.   The Dream Dolls were dressed in outfits according to what each girl dreamed to be when she grew up.  The 17 inch girls came in their gray school jumper and white under dress.   Both doll sizes had other dresses, shoes, pinafores and accessories to purchase.
This is my collection of all the dolls in both sizes and Grandma Sunday too.   The little 8 inch girls are wearing their school jumpers & white under dresses that I purchased separately for them with prize money I won from one of the contests.  I thought it would be fun for them to match the larger dolls.  The clothing for this doll line is amazing in detail and quality.
GBH 002
This photos shows some of the dresses and pinafores for the big girls.   See their pretty t-strap style shoes?
GBH 004
And this photo shows the special pinafore dresses that Grandma Sunday made for them in the stories.   Notice the white dressy shoes that were made for these pretty outfits.
GBH 012
More of the dresses and pinafores.  I included this photo to show the pretty boots.   The boots came with them and are part of the “meet” outfit with the gray jumpers and white under dresses.   I think they are great with these dresses too and are my personal favorites.
I couldn’t find a photo of all the little girls with the Dream Dresses, so I am borrowing one from the GBH website.  I don’t think Cheri will mind.  Isn’t this a wonderful photo?
original_trunk_and_bed   original_bedding   original_mirror_and_brush_set
I also have the camelback trunk with bed and bedding set.   It’s a wonderful piece and will hold a lot of accessories.   These photos are also from the website as I couldn’t find any photos that would show them off well enough. I also included the brush & mirror set.
GBH 003    GBH 008   GBH 014
And let me tell you about Grandma Sunday…She is gorgeous!  She comes with her beautiful two-piece wool suit, including fabulous unders, a corset, a hat and high-button boots.  She is by far the prettiest “grandma” doll I have ever seen.
This is truly one of the nicest doll lines I have ever known of.  The stories are set in the Victorian era and are wonderful and heartwarming.  The dolls and clothing are wonderfully made, each girls’ character is different.  Each doll’s face sculpt is different.  The twins share the same face sculpt, and both have a sprinkling of freckles, but they are not at all done the same way.  Even the hand sculpting is not the exact same on the various dolls.   And one of the most fun aspects of this doll line is the interactive website and the very special lady that created all of this, Cheri Lynn Maude.
Sadly, the 17 inch dolls are no longer available unless you find them on Ebay or some other re-sale market.   The amount of these dolls made is a low number also, so they are limited and not ordinary by any means.   In my humble opinion, this doll line is really a treasure.   And they are treasured by my family.
I leave you with a few of my favorite photos.
GBH 004   GBH 001   GBH 004
I hope you enjoyed learning about this special doll line.
Be well & be blessed!


Loretta said...

Hello! I had Googled the Ginger Brook dolls and found this lovely post about them. I bought a doll in 2011 at a UFDC convention in Anaheim CA. I tried looking at the Ginger Brook website but it's gone. Alas. I enjoyed your post and photos very much.

MyFarmhouseBlue said...

Thank you, Loretta! I had no idea the website was gone. I just tried to access it and there's a message saying something new is coming this August. How exciting! May I ask which doll you bought?